

Styling Minds Image therapy | £70 per hour*

May include - Exploring personal Image, style and appearance. Style and vision board work. Wardrobe analysis. Weekly journal keeping. Self-examination and personal style development exercises. Therapeutic work. Daily, weekly and longer term goal setting. ‘My fabulous colours’ and ‘Dressing for my beautiful body’ mini workshops.

8 week Styling Minds Image therapy course | £600*

* This does not include accompanied shopping trips, personalised colour swatches or some style personality work.

For more information about Styling Minds Image therapy, please contact Susannah.



Additional Information

One to one therapeutic counselling £50 per session 50 minute session
'My Fabulous Colours' Colour Analysis £90 Includes a personalised colour swatch
Wardrobe Analysis

Assess, cleanse and create the perfect wardrobe for you.

£250 3 Hour minimum booking

£60 per hour thereafter

Style Personality

Explore it, Develop it, Be it.

£70 per hour or 3-hour workshop £200
Dressing for your body shape workshop £65
Accompanied Shopping £200 2 Hour minimum booking

£60 per hour thereafter